Made for Each Other

Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


We never knew with whom we spent the rest of our life with. We wondered how would my spouse be? How will we meet? The fact it is always in the perfect timing. Vinsen and Christine exchanged their vows in a holy matrimony at The Grand Ballroom Mulia Hotel, they legalized their love and swore to be together till the death do apart them. Elssy Design collaborated with Lightworks turned the venue to be a beautiful sacred place.


Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, they’re in each other all along . -Rumi


At the foyer, the warmth of the atmosphere felt, white represented the flawlessly beautiful bride and the groom gladly to receive the guests. The beautiful flowers at the center of the room, and white petals as the carpet elegantly shaded the newlywed later. Purple lighting also brighten up the altar. That was enchanting blend. The wedding cake made in white, no other color, simple yet beautiful. Vinsen and Christine looked solemn following the ceremony. The vowed spoken clearly and steadily. Between the happiness, tears also dropped, remark the daughter and son left parents. However, the new life awaits, since they were made for each other. (DA/EA)


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks


Vinsen & Christine's Wedding ; Decoration by Elssy Design ; Located in The Grand Ballroom Hotel Mulia; Lighting by Lightworks






Posted on December 11, 2012 by Lightworks in Elssy Design ,  |  No Comment

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