A Night With The Happy Thoughts

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks


Happy thoughts. Who doesn’t want to have happy thoughts from the happy feeling and lovely atmosphere? Last weekend we support a wonderful wedding event in one of Jakarta’s finest hotel, J.W. Marriot. The decoration was very lovely. Lotus Design has create a pretty and delightful decoration, simple yet sophisticated. And it was our pleasure to support the decoration and put it to another level for the night.


Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks


Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks


Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

As you can see, the decoration was very simple and pretty, we can say it was gorgeous in different kind of way. We use the word ‘hip’ to describe it after using the word ‘pretty’. And after that, it was our job to build the ambiance. To build the warmth of the event.


Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Decoration by Lotus Design ; Located in J.W. Marriot Hotel ; Lighting supported by Lightworks

Contact Us:


Ph: +6221 5365 1667

Fax: +6221 5365 1668

Email: lightworks@lightworksjakarta.com

Posted on September 8, 2010 by Lightworks in Lotus Design , Vendors  |  18 Comments


devi Sep 13, 2010 | 3:34 PM

lightworks,, blh minta PL dan CPnya?
send by mail ya..

Lightworks Sep 14, 2010 | 9:04 AM

Hi Devi,

Silakan cek email kamu.

Terima kasih,

windy Oct 5, 2010 | 2:43 PM

lightworks minta PL nya (via email) thanks :)

Lightworks Oct 12, 2010 | 2:18 PM

Dear Windy

Silakan cek permintaan anda di email.

Terima kasih,
Lightworks Production

lius jackson Oct 12, 2010 | 8:01 PM

dear lightworks bisa minta pl nya? (via email)

btw kalian kerja sama dgn lotus design ya? mungkin bisa minta sekalian pl lotus nya klo bisa? hehe thx alot ya :)

Lightworks Oct 13, 2010 | 8:40 AM

Dear Lius

Permintaan anda kami jawab ke email, silakan di cek.
Kami memang sering bekerjasama dengan dekorator termasuk dengan Lotus Design, tetapi kami tidak tau untuk harga dekor Lotus Design.
Lebih baik anda langsung tanya ke Lotus Design mengenai harga mereka.
Terima Kasih.

Warm Regards
Lightworks Production

Sari Ekawati Yuwono Nov 11, 2010 | 12:32 PM

Hi Lightsworks, PL and catalogue please thank you!

Lightworks Nov 11, 2010 | 2:03 PM

Dear Sari

Sent to your email, please check.
Thank you.

Lightworks Production

sara Nov 13, 2010 | 8:34 PM

hi bisa minta PL nya thanks ya:)

Lightworks Nov 15, 2010 | 8:52 AM

Dear Sara,

Permintaan anda kami kirimkan melalui email.
Terima kasih.

Lightworks Production

Jessica Dec 9, 2010 | 8:50 AM

Boleh minta PL nya? kebetulan aku next year bakal married di JW Marriott. Konsepnya “Under the Sea”. Aku uda make a deal sama Lotus.. bisa bantu idenya? =)

Thank you..

Lightworks Dec 9, 2010 | 9:58 AM

Dear Jessica

Permintaan anda kami jawab melalui email.
Terima kasih.

Lightworks Production

Riani Jan 4, 2011 | 1:43 PM

Hi Lightworks,

boleh minta pricelist dan contact personnya Lightworks dan Lotus?

Terima kasih.

Febry Jan 8, 2011 | 10:31 AM

Hallo, boleh minta PL dan catalogue? Many thanks!!

shinta Jan 15, 2011 | 9:03 AM

minta PL dan CP nya yaa.. via email aj thx

Lightworks Mar 2, 2011 | 4:10 PM

Dear Riani,

Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran (price list) beserta informasi yang anda perlukan ke email anda. Dan untuk menghubungi kami bisa di 021 5365 1667. Terima kasih.

Best Regards,

Lightworks Mar 2, 2011 | 4:10 PM

Dear Febry,

Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran (price list) ke email anda. Dan untuk catalogue, anda bisa melihat hasil karya kami di blog ini. Terima kasih.

Best Regards,

Lightworks Mar 2, 2011 | 4:11 PM

Dear Shinta,

Kami telah mengirimkan penawaran (price list) ke email anda. Silahkan diperiksa kembali. Terima kasih.

Best Regards,

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